Our physical therapists are trained to utilize a variety of therapeutic tools known as modalities which assist in recovery for a variety of injuries and disorders.  

We will help you understand why your are having pain, and why it is limiting you to do the things you desire. We will work with you to make the changes necessary to alleviate the pain using a variety of modalities and develop a home exercise program that will help support what we accomplish. This combination will eventually allow you to achieve your goals by restoring mobility, correct any neuromuscular imbalances that might be contributing to your condition, and empower you to develop healthier movement patterns.


MANUAL PHYSICAL THERAPY Is the use of skilled, "hands-on" active and passive movements applied to joints and soft tissue structures. Can include soft tissue mobilization, myofascial release, mobilization of joints as well as strain and counter strain.

THERAPEUTIC EXERCISES Using your own body movements to amend an impairment and improve musculoskeletal function (strengthening, endurance, flexibility, balance and coordination).Free weights or resistance bands may be utilized.

NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION Involves muscle strengthening to improve motor control, kinesthetic (positional) awareness and improve balance and stability.

SOFT TISSUE MOBILIZATION A hands-on mobilization of soft tissues such as muscle and the associated connective tissues that supports it, tendons (muscle to bone connections) and ligaments (bone-to-bone connections). Can produce beneficial effects on the nervous, muscular, lymph and circulatory systems.

CORE STABILIZATION Core stability training is the process of strengthening and stabilizing abdomen, lower back and pelvis muscles to help prevent injury, alleviate back pain and in general protect your body.




MECHANICAL TRACTION: Decompression therapy that relieves pressure on the spine.

KINESIO TAPING TECHNIQUE: Tape designed for muscle, ligament and tendon pain relief and support along with postural re-education and edema control.

MOIST HEAT: Heat makes blood vessels get larger helping to relax muscles, flush out chemicals and also increase circulation bringing in nutrients and oxygen to aide the healing process.

CRYOTHERAPY: Refers to a cold therapy treatment to decrease inflammation, decrease pain and spasm as well as promote the constriction of blood vessels.

MASSAGE: Used to Reduce muscle tension, increase blood flow, increase flexibility, reduce edema and scar tissue remodeling.

ULTRASOUND: Therapeutic use of ultrasonic waves used for superficial and deep heat massage of the loco regional tissue and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

ELECTRICAL STIMULATION: Use of various electrical wave forms to decrease inflammation, decrease muscle spasm, reduce pain, increase muscle activation and improve local circulation.


Ho'omau / To Move Forward

